About Yael

Yael Waknin

My name is Yael waknin, 35 years old, married + child, and I am a bookworm. πŸ›πŸ“š
I can not say I read since I remember myself, because it will not be true… πŸ™„
I actually spent most of my childhood in hospitals. 🏨
πŸ’” I was born with a complex heart defect called the hypoplastic right heart and VSD, which means that the right ventricle in my heart is undeveloped and therefore inactive. I also have a hole between the heart partitions.πŸ’”
I underwent two open-heart surgeries at ages 3 and 5 and many catheterizations, the last of which was at age 20. πŸ‘¨πŸ»β€βš•οΈ
As a child (elementary school), I would borrow books from the municipal or school libraries, but I rarely read.πŸ‘§πŸ»
In my early 20s, I found myself starting to enjoy reading, and already at that age, I loved sitting at home with a good book and a cup of tea on the weekends. β˜•
My friends laughed at me for preferring to sit on a Friday night with a book and tea rather than go out. πŸ’ƒ
I read thrillers, detectives, novels, historical novels, history books, biographies, dramas, and fiction until I realized what the genres I like more are and why I connect less. 😌
The moment I went back to being a worm in the full sense of the word was in 2016, when my mother passed away.πŸ˜”
Coping was difficult for me. It happened two months after I got married, and I felt like the whole world crumbled. I quickly found myself reading book after book to escape reality and not think about what I had lost.
🌟 I wanted to transfer into other worlds, worlds where everyone is happy, and the end is always good. I was looking for light-hearted romantic books that made my heart happy. I reread old books, bought lots of new ones, borrowed from friends, and then realized that the love for the books is here to stay, and I and the books are a binding relationship. πŸ’—
Unfortunately, this reading flow was interrupted in 2019 due to a block of almost two years because of a high-risk pregnancy (due to my heart condition) 🀰🏻, the birth of a premature baby (born weighing 930 grams) πŸ‘ΆπŸ» and a tedious stay of three months in NICU. I couldn’t open a book because my head was busy with my child and his war to live. πŸ’ͺ🏻
When my son was already at home for six months and without oxygen, medications, and a monitor, my head calmed down, and the appetite for books returned in a big way. πŸ˜‹
I went back to reading a lot and even started reading in English through Amazon Unlimited; I decided to try audiobooks (you could say that I’m a bit addicted to it now). 🎧 I got back to writing book reviews ✍🏻 and updating and upgrading my blog to be more interesting, inviting, friendly and fun. 🀩
You will find interviews of authors and audiobook narrators on my site, informative articles, and reviews of diverse books.πŸ’»
I would emphasize that I have a warm corner in my heart πŸ’˜ for the romantic genre (clean romance and steamy romance). Because these are love stories, and it’s something I have always loved and always love πŸ’• and the vast majority of my reviews are from this genre.
πŸ’œ Hope you enjoy the content I strive to update and innovate for you, and I am always available for any question, request or suggestion πŸ’œ

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