The Weight of It All – N.R. Walker

Reviews by Yael Waknin


After being dumped by his long-term boyfriend for being overweight, Henry Beckett decides to make some drastic changes. In a vain attempt at getting his boyfriend back, Henry does the most absurdly frightening thing he can think of.

He joins a gym.

Reed Henske is a personal trainer who isn’t sure he’ll ever be ready to date again. He’s sick of guys who are only interested in the perfect body image, never seeing him for who he really is.

As Reed tortures Henry with things like diet and exercise, Henry enamours Reed with recipes and laughter. As the friendship lines start to blur, Henry is convinced there’s no way Thor-like Reed could ever be interested in a guy like him.

Reed just has to convince Henry that life isn’t about reaching your ideal bodyweight. It’s about finding your perfect counterweight.

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My review

OMG I’m in love!!

It was my first time reading a book by this author and she is EXACTLY what I love in books!

It was a story about Henry, overweight man who started going to the gym after his boyfriend of eight years dumped him (because he’s fat!).

Reed is the personal trainer that started working with Henry.

I’m not that used to reading books with one POV. After reading so many dual POV, it’s hard “not knowing” what the other character thinks.

But with this book it was perfect!

The author wrote Reed (in Henry’s POV) in a way that helped us understand him and kind of know what he was thinking.

Henry was amazing! I love those goofy characters that are funny and fun to be with.

I loved he didn’t have filter and his honesty.

Reed was the GOAT! Book boyfriend from head to toe! He was kind, he was real, he was a little shy and was so sweet and understanding I just wanted to hug him!

I really REALLY loved this book! It warmed my heart and put a big smile on my face!

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