Interview with author Nicole Dykes

With Yael Waknin

Questions for author Nicole Dykes

1 – Have you always wanted to be a writer?

I think so! I have always loved to read and write but I’m not sure I believed I could make a career out of it when I was younger. It seemed like an unattainable dream for a long time. 

2 – When you start a book series – do you know the couples who will appear in the following books? Do you know what the plot will be?

That usually just kind of all falls together as I write. I’ll introduce a character and then their story will just pop into my head!

3 – Did you write a book and decide not to publish it? 

No. If I write it, I publish it. I write for me first, so I’m in love with everything I write. And I publish it knowing that I love it, hoping that others will too.

4 – Is there a topic you will never write about? If so, what is it? 

Hmmm…. that’s a really good question! I don’t think so? I mean, I like writing about serious topics but I try my best to write it in a way that gives people hope. One thing I won’t do though is write a truly toxic character who treats their lover terribly for 90% of the book. I’m not into bullies. 

5 – By what do you choose a cover for a book?

That’s all my best friend/cover designer Ariadna Basulto. Thank God she makes covers now! Ari reads every book chapter by chapter and she knows these characters. She’s brilliant even when hasn’t read the book, but when she has, she pours her soul into that cover. So I never have to worry about the cover matching the story.  

6 – Where did you get the inspiration for the stories?

That is another good question! Honestly, I don’t always know. The ideas just pop into my head randomly. Keeper, I was going to pick up my kids from school and drove by the local high school when Something in the Orange by Zach Bryan came on the radio and suddenly I had this entire idea in my head for Keeper. So I would say my environment and music play a big part. 

7 – Who is your favorite couple you wrote about?

Omg nooooo! Hahaha I can’t choose! Rhett and Grayson from Hostile stick out because I love grumpy/Sunshine. And Kingston and Camden and Jameson and Garrison. I loooove all my couples though. I love love. And the stories. 

8 – How long does it take you to write one book?

It really depends on so many things. During cold and flu season I swear it takes longer because I have a 5 and 8 year old and we get sick every other week!  And I work better under pressure so the closer I am to the deadline the faster I seem to write. I think the longest a book has ever taken is 2 months. I’m a fast writer. I get excited and almost addicted and just want to get the story in my head out there!

9 – What is your favorite genre to read?

I only read MM nowadays. But I love grumpy/Sunshine and darker books. I also love light and fluffy MM. 

10 – If you could turn one of your books into a movie – which book would you choose?

Hmmmm…. probably Keeper. I really love the whole Kensley world!

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About the author

Nicole Dykes is a wife and a professional assistant/mom to two gorgeous girls. Currently residing in Kansas, she’s a lover of coffee, Kansas City Chiefs, and all things romance. She currently has over 20 published books with her Monroe and Adamson series being the most popular. She enjoys cranking up the angst level, making her readers cry, and turning those tears into the coffee that fuels her writing.

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