Interview with author Garry Michael

With Yael Waknin

Questions for author Garry Michael

1 – Have you always wanted to be a writer?

No. I didn’t start writing until 2020 during the height of the pandemic. Initially, I wrote to pass the time but fell in love with the whole process of writing. Now that I have a taste of the ‘writing high’, I don’t think I’ll be stopping anytime soon.

2 – When you start a book series – do you know the couples who will appear in the following books? Do you know what the plot will be?

Yes, being a man of science I’m very methodical, and I usually have everything planned (plot, characters, names, and etc.) before I even begin typing.

3 – Did you write a book and decide not to publish it?

No. Thankfully

4 – Is there a topic you will never write about? If so, what is it?

Good question. Never say never, so the answer is ‘no’.

5 – By what do you choose a cover for a book?

I usually study the market for my genre and work from there. I try my best (with my cover designer) to find a model that captures the essence of one of the main characters.

6 – Where did you get the inspiration for the stories?

Personal experience, friends and people I met along the way. If you read any of my books, chances are one of the main heroes is someone I know.

7 – Who is your favorite couple you wrote about?

Ashton and Travis from ‘Break Point’. It’s my debut novel and they will always have a special place in my heart

8 – How long does it take you to write one book?

6 months to a year. I’m always writing two stories simultaneously

9 – What is your favorite genre to read?

Romance. Romance. Romance. And occasionally General Fiction.

10 – If you could turn one of your books into a movie – which book would you choose?

It would be ‘All the White Lies We Tell’. Because it has great secondary characters


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About the author

Garry Michael- LGBTQIA+ Seattlelite author who loves to write men who love men. His background in Medicine and Academics are evident in his books. When he’s not working and writing, you’ll find him playing tennis, surfing and skiing. He loves connecting with his readers as much as possible

Follow him on Instragram @author_garry_michael to learn more about his current projects.

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