What’s the actual last thing you’d ever want your executive assistant to see you doing the morning after you had hot, drunk, angry sex with her in a terrible hotel room? Dancing around your terrible hotel room to “Come and Get Your Love” like Star-Lord in Guardians of the Galaxy—naked? Yeah. Me too.
And yet, here we are.
This isn’t even the most unprofessional thing that’s happened between us in the past couple of weeks.
The first was when I agreed to let her have Christmas Day off, but only if she goes with me to three family gatherings as my fake girlfriend.
The second was when she caught me belting out a Christmas song on stage in the awful hotel bar.
The third was the hot, drunk, angry sex that followed, but I do not regret it.
And she hasn’t even found out the real reason I need her by my side this holiday season.
I need to pull it together before I do the dumbest, most unprofessional thing of all—fall head over heels in love with the only assistant who’s lasted more than a month at the job and claims to hate me and my moods more than she hates eggnog.
And I’ve seen how much she hates eggnog
I found this book on Amazon. I was looking for a light and funny book, and being honest, I didn’t know this author before. But now, after reading this book – I have already read five more of her books (and counting). 😊
I know the plot of the boss and the secretary and the fake relationship almost by heart, and still – with every page I turn in this book, I laughed. I enjoyed it so much and laughed so hard, and if I didn’t laugh, I smiled to myself, and if I didn’t smile, I laughed. This book was so funny it was so enjoyable!
This book is sexy and fun and with a bit of rule-breaking.
As you know, I am a sucker for books that have correspondence, so here there are a lot of dialogues in text messages between Maddie and Declan, and it was messages that you read and laugh! You really could hear the tone of the message or imagine their reaction to the messages they exchange – this is such a fun book that I read it twice already.
And at the same time, the book also has depth. It’s a fun story that has complexity with the characters.
The complexity is mainly from Declan’s side, but beyond the “thing” that happened to him in the not-so-distant past, it has something a little different from many other stories in the genre – and you already know how much I love novelties in books.
In addition to the uniqueness in the book, there was another POV. Maddie’s super cool niece, the 13-year-old Piper, also gives us her point of view on the story between Maddie and Declan. And she’s a smart and intuitive girl 😏
It made me hope there is a genuine couple somewhere in New York with conversations with cynicism at its best – And I like it 😊
When there is such good chemistry and a good friendship full of mutual cynicism and understanding, it only makes the relationship better (from experience 🤫)
There’s a little bit of madness, a little bit of normalcy, a little bit of caution, and a lot of chemistry and love – go and read this book!
The next book is about Eddie, Declan’s little brother.